Behavior Transformation by IoT International Workshop2024 (BTIW2024)


The 2nd Behavior Transformation by IoT International Workshop (BTIW2024)

Workshop Dates June.7th 2024 14:00〜17:30
Venue Toranomon Hills Forum
Toranomon Hills, Minato City, Tokyo, Japan

Keynote Speech

Persuasive Technology and Emotions

Prof. Kaoru Sumi 
(Future University Hakodate,Japan)

Abstract: Intelligent interactions using Artificial Intelligence and remote interactions in which humans act as artifacts, such as avatars, in virtual spaces are becoming more familiar to the public. I believe that it is important to use emotions for intelligent interaction so that I will discuss the possibility of human-agent interaction and human-robot interaction using emotions by introducing several research cases. I will discuss persuasive technology that systems can utilize to influence human behavior, along with impressions and applications of facial expressions and gestures [1]. Then I will introduce a game-based story generation system [2] that automatically generates a script in real time from the emotions and actions of a player in a virtual space. Finally, I will discuss the potential of virtual agents and robots[3][4] that interact with other users in virtual or real space.

[1] Kaoru Sumi and Mizue Nagata: Evaluating a Virtual Agent as Persuasive Technology, Psychology of Persuasion, Janos Csapó and Andor Magyar eds., Nova Science Publishers (2010). [2] Kaoru Sumi & Shusuke Sato: Experiences of Game-Based Learning and Reviewing History of the Experience Using Player's Emotions, Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence (2022). [3] Rio Harada, Kaoru Sumi. Persuasive Technology Through Behavior and Emotion with Pet-Type Artifacts. In: Baghaei, N., Ali, R., Win, K., Oyibo, K. (eds) Persuasive Technology. PERSUASIVE 2024. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 14636. Springer, Cham(2024). [4] Ahmed Salem and Kaoru Sumi: Psychophysiological Correlates of Embarrassment Emotion: A Comparative Study Between Shy Males and Females, The 1st IEEE International Workshop on Interactive Systems, Affective Computing Technologies and Applications (ISAC 2024), The 48th IEEE International Conference on Computers, Software, and Applications (COMPSAC 2024), Osaka, (2024.7). To appear

Biography: Kaoru Sumi is a professor in Future University Hakodate, Japan. Prof. Sumi received her Ph.D. in engineering from the University of Tokyo. She is currently working on Persuasive technology, Affective Computing, Human Agent Interaction, Human Robot Interaction and Artificial Intelligence in Education. She previously worked at ATR MI&C Research Laboratories, Communications Research Laboratory, and Osaka University, National Institute of Information and Communications Technology and Hitotsubashi University. She was a visiting professor in British Columbia, Canada. ACM Senior Member, IEEE Senior Member, IEEE Sapporo Section Board of Directors, IEEE Women in Engineering Sapporo Section Chair.


  • Best Technical Paper Award, 27th International Conference on Computers in Education, ICCE2020 (2020.11)
  • Best Full Paper Award, 15th International Conference on Intelligent Tutoring Systems , ITS2019 (2019.6)
  • IEEE Brain Winner, Brain-Computer Interface Hackathon at IEEE SMC2018 (2018.10)
  • Japanese Society for Artificial Intelligence Research Conference Excellence Awards (2017.6) and (2023.6)
